Generation Ballet at the Haining

We were delighted to run four 'Generation Ballet' sessions at our local nursing home, The Haining, in Maddiston.

We had proposed the project earlier this year and applied for Community Funding. However, we were not successful in gaining funding so decided to volunteer our time to run the sessions in the Easter break. We liaised with activities manager, Fiona Preston, from Ion Care and Support Services at the home to arrange the 4 sessions.

The ballet workshops were specially adapted by CSBS teacher Amanda so that the exercises and steps could be done seated and she was accompanied to each session by a small group of 5 dancers who volunteered their time. The dancers joined in the seated ballet class alongside the elderly residents as well as dancing with them in some partner exercises, and performing some simple solos and exercises as demonstrations.

Huge hit on Social Media

Activities Manager Fiona videoed parts of the first session and posted a short clip to the Ion Care facebook page. It was shared firstly by us, then by the RAD Scotland, then the Royal Academy of Dance worldwide. It gained an overwhelming positive response from dancers, dance teachers and care workers from all across the world and has now been viewed around 24,000 times and shared nearly 200 times! You can view the short clip online.

Please take a few moments to look through some photos from the sessions on our CSBS Facebook page.

Wonderful experience and positive feedback

We thoroughly enjoyed all four sessions and loved meeting and dancing with the residents. Many thanks to dancers Ailey Meikle, Ailish Ogilvie, Catherine Bain, Cara Robertson, Iana Phillips, Katy Russell, Laura McTeague, Lucy Anderson, Olivia Hunter, Riona Clifford, Robyn Smillie, Robyn Whyte, Sarah Firth and Serena McCall, and of course teacher Amanda-Louise Clark.

The feedback from the home, the dancers, and their parents has been delightful.

"It was a fantastic morning and beautifully done so much so the residents continued the theme later in the afternoon with a sing song and practicing some of the moves from the mornings exercises.... a huge thanks from the residents at The Haining" Fiona Preston, Ion Care and Support

"Our residents had a brilliant afternoon - a massive thank you once again to everyone who volunteered their time!" Ion Care and Support Services

"Ailish and Cara told me how much the residents enjoyed the session, as did they. Even those they thought weren't participating much thanked the students and told them how lovely it was! My gran who suffered from dementia would have loved something like this. A brilliant project for both residents and students alike. Thankyou!" Parent of a dancer

"Am so proud to be associated with this. Think it's a wonderful project for the residents and pupils to be involved in. I sincerely hope it can continue. Cara enjoyed it today, thank you for giving her the opportunity to be involved in something so worthwhile." Parent of a dancer

"What a fabulous project to undertake, two different generations coming together and gaining so much joy from it. I hope it's something that can be continued for all to benefit." Facebook user

We hope that our link with The Haining can continue to grow and that we can arrange more activities with the students and the residents in the future.


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