Supporting the STV Children's Appeal

We were delighted to be invited to present our donation as part of the STV live appeal 2015...

We had collected money and sold raffle tickets and programmes during our dance displays in June and raised a total of £1847.30 for the STV Appeal. Many thanks to everyone who made a contribution and to all the Senior students who volunteered to manage the collections and raffles at each display.

CSBS teacher Amanda also raised another £558 herself by completing a ballet exam challenge in November 2014 and gaining 96% for Grade 5; this was not included in our presentation amount. (Click here to find out more)

What is the STV Children's Appeal...?

The STV Children's Appeal works to raise funds and to help make a real difference to those children and families who who need it most, by providing practical help like food and warm clothes; creating opportunities for training and employability; and enabling social and emotional support. The STV Children's Appeal works closely with Scotland's leading experts in the field of child poverty, sharing knowledge and expertise with both small community groups and national charities on their experiences of addressing the challenges of child poverty in Scotland. In just four years the Appeal has managed to raise more than £8.2 million, making 297 big and small grants to projects across all 32 local authority areas in Scotland, providing much needed support to over 37,000 children.

The live Appeal on TV

The live show was aired on STV on Friday 16 October as the culmination of this year's fundraising efforts. Hosted by Lorraine Kelly and Sean Batty, the show brought together fundraisers from across Scotland as well as some of the children and their families who had been helped by projects and initiatives funded by the STV Appeal. We were delighted to be there to represent CSBS and thoroughly enjoyed our evening in the studios with entertainment, refreshments, interviews and filming! Thanks to CSBS teacher Amanda and students Anya, Christiana, Lucy, Riona and Serena for representing CSBS on live TV.

You can view our photos from the evening on our CSBS Facebook page.

We delighted to be on the balcony with the presenters when they announced the grand total of £2,913,083...! Read more on the STV Children's Appeal website.


Dance Mums comes to CSBS...!


Heather is a musical maestro